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Monday, April 4, 2011

Make a Kiss More Passionate

Kissing is something that most couples do. Kissing well and with passion, however, is far less common. All too often, people fall into boring ruts and monotonous techniques that make kissing an undesirable prelude of more exciting activities to come. This is especially true for couples who have been together for awhile. To keep kissing fun or to rekindle the flame that was once there, observe the guidelines below.
1. What you do right before a kiss will set the mood. Gaze into their eyes and pay your sweetie a romantic compliment.
2. Hold your partner firmly, but gently in your arms. Put one arm around their back and put the other around the base of their head.
3. Occasionally, put both of your hands on your partner’s cheeks to intensify the moment.
4. Kiss other places than the mouth. Add variety and intimacy by breaking away to kiss the cheek, forehead, neck, or anywhere else you feel is appropriate.

5. While maintaining a slow rhythm is essential to establishing intimacy, occasional bursts of intensified and quick movements (with tongue and hands) lasting several seconds will increase the passion.
6. Break the lip lock every few minutes to make a compliment about your partner’s kissing ability, passion, or how sexy they are.
7. Location will determine the intimacy of the moment. Don Juan, himself, would have trouble creating a sensual moment in a busy school hallway with people walking by. Isolated areas are the best place to unleash your passion.

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