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Monday, April 4, 2011

How Women Love to Be Kissed

Ahhh…kissing, snogging, making out, no matter how you call it, for something so important (and fun!) there is not a lot of advice out there on how to do it really well. How often do women tell you exactly how they dream of being kissed and what moves give them goosebumps?You want to know these things! So we at surveyed over 2000 women and asked them: “How do you love to be kissed?”. Below is a sampling of the responses received, word-for-word!
* “I love when my boyfriend breathes warm air behind my ear, then gives me soft warm kisses on my neck and shoulders.” (Paulette, 31)
* “It drives me crazy when he sucks my tongue!” (Sherry, 24)
* “I love when my partner talks while kissing me. It can be done and it is very appealing! Try saying something like: ‘open your eyes’ or ‘take down your hair’” (Leanne, 18)
* “I love it when my boyfriend pulls away just to look into my eyes for a moment.” (Angie, 28)

Make a Kiss More Passionate

Kissing is something that most couples do. Kissing well and with passion, however, is far less common. All too often, people fall into boring ruts and monotonous techniques that make kissing an undesirable prelude of more exciting activities to come. This is especially true for couples who have been together for awhile. To keep kissing fun or to rekindle the flame that was once there, observe the guidelines below.
1. What you do right before a kiss will set the mood. Gaze into their eyes and pay your sweetie a romantic compliment.
2. Hold your partner firmly, but gently in your arms. Put one arm around their back and put the other around the base of their head.
3. Occasionally, put both of your hands on your partner’s cheeks to intensify the moment.
4. Kiss other places than the mouth. Add variety and intimacy by breaking away to kiss the cheek, forehead, neck, or anywhere else you feel is appropriate.

10 Sexy Kissing Tips

1. If she is laying down draw one of her arms above her head and lightly hold her hand. Commence by kissing the soft area on the inside of her upper arm – from her elbow down to her chest. For variation, trail the tip of your tongue in a zigzag down this area. This absolutely drives my wife crazy! (submitted by Troy)
2. Kiss her gently near the clavicle (colar bone), then run your tongue in a zig zag up to her ear very slowly. Give her earlobe a little nibble. It’s all in the neck guys… (submitted by Dave)
3. When you’re sitting close to your love, start out by softly stroking their face, slowly move your hand to their mouth then very lightly brush the lower lip with one of your fingers. If they seem to love this, then place the tip of that finger in their mouth. My boyfriend loves this, and sometimes he’ll start sucking my finger a bit. This leads to a great french kiss! (submitted by KC)

Sensual Kissing Tips

“Kiss her as though, at that moment, nothing else exists in the world. Kiss her as though your entire life is wrapped up into the period of the kiss. Kiss her as though there is nothing else that you would rather be doing. Kiss her!”

1. Trace the outline of her lips with your tongue
2. Run your tongue across his lower lip
3. As you draw back to end the kiss suck out her lower lip a little, then release it.
4. Nibble on his lower lip
5. Hands play a key role in kissing, never underestimate the wonderful effect you can have on your lover simply by touching and caressing their non-erogenous zones. Run your fingers through their hair, cup their face in your hands, rub their shoulders or back, trace their ear and jaw with your fingers, use soft feathery touches up and down their neck and cheeks with the back of your palm and fingers, put your hands on her waist and pull her towards you, run your hands up and down their arms, entangle your fingers in her long hair.

Kiss the Ears!

Has your partner told you that one of their favorite places to be kissed is their ears? Don’t know where to start, or what to do? Then read on for some kissin’ techniques to use on your sweetie’s ears.

When you want to go from kissing their lips to kissing their ear don’t just stop kissing their lips then start kissing their ear. Keep in contact with their skin by tracing up their jawbone with your tongue and quick, little kisses. Their jawbone leads up to that sexy little area behind their earlobe that is often ignored. When you get there flicker your tongue behind their earlobe in that crevice between the back of the lobe and their skin. Follow that with a few kisses then try any of the tips below:

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Kiss of the Week

There is a little game I play with my wife. I call it the kiss of the week. Each Sunday I designate a certain place to be the “kissing spot” and it is there that I softly plant my lips when I want to let her know I appreciate something she has done or to simply let her know that I love her.I once heard an elderly man describe the success of his 75 year blissful marriage to his wife. He attributed it to the fact that he told his wife daily that he loved her and kissed her at least twice each day. I aim to follow his example and by having the kissing spot of the week, it helps me to make certain I am not forgetting to give my wife the daily kisses she deserves so much.

Steamy Sex Secrets He Wants you to Know

Men are full of surprises. And bedroom behaviour is no exception. Men have their secrets and they want their wives to know them. It’s true that all men have sex secrets. Not the darm sultry secrets of an affair, but a restraint in sharing some cravings or the details of his day-to-day thoughts and actions with his wife – inside and out of the marriage. He may not reveal romance strategies or feelings of vulnerability or shame. These are things that men may have learned, over time, to keep to themselves. Because a man does not always openly express his emotions, women too often feel that his ‘unavailability’ is intentional, that his silence is an unwillingness to open up. Men are actually full of thoughts and feelings, but unable to meet the standards that too many put on them to openly communicate them. So, what powerful facts about themselves do all men want to share with their spouses? Here are eight sex secrets that may help you understand – and get even closer to – your man.